The origins of Chinese herbal medicine in China can be traced back to at least 3000 years, making it one of the oldest and most long-standing health care systems in the world. In the field of infertility, recent archeological discoveries found ancient prescriptions for the treatment of gynecological disorders which were over 2000 years old. As a holistic approach to understanding the normal function and disease processes, the treatment focuses as much on the prevention of illness as on the treatment.
The actual presentation of a particular disease or illness will vary from person to person. For that reason, a registered Chinese herbalist will be able to prescribe a herbal formula which is particularly suited to your unique constitution and medical condition.
Not only the herbal treatment will have longer lasting effects, but it will eliminate to a great extent the side effects which are a consequence of long-term ingestion of chemical prescription drugs.
It is estimated that one out of three Australian suffers with some sort of digestive problems. Often, when the condition is chronic, there are multiple causes for these dysfunctions which makes them very difficult to treat with Western medicine. This is an area where Traditional Chinese herbal medicine is especially recommended.
In the field of infertility, Chinese herbal medicine, in combination with acupuncture and dietary guidelines, can often deliver treatment outcomes well beyond the capabilities of Western medicine.
The Chinese herbal formulas are now available in capsules, pills and granule forms. These are economical and easy to digest.
“Health is the greatest possession.
Contentment is the greatest treasure.”